Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Favorite Things Linky: January

Love this linky from Teaching Trio!  They are helping everyone share a few of their favorite things, so head on over and see what everyone is loving right now!

I am sharing my favorite three things for school during the month of January.  So here I go!

1. Whimsy Clips Winter Clipart

Everyone knows that Whimsy Clips makes the most absolutely perfect clipart!  I have the Winter Sports, Winter Owls, Winter, and Winter Kids sets.  Let me tell you, if you don't have them, get them!  Haha!

With so much going on at school this month, the clipart I have makes the parent flyers and newsletters stand out and look amazing.  I'm on a committee for our Winter Wonderland Dinner Theater, and the lead teacher sent us a flyer to review before we sent it home....yuck!  It was in Word with ugly clipart.  No thank you!  So I made it over, and, voila!  Super cute informational flyer to parents!  Not to mention, the clipart helped make my Winter Math Stations adorable!

You get to the Whimsy Clips store here.

2. Teaching with a Mountain View's Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Task Cards

This is the first year for 5th grade students in Texas to have to learn multiplying and dividing fractions with unit numbers.  And my students just started.  Yesterday.  To say that I stressed out over these concepts would be putting it mildly.

Thank goodness I found these two amazing products!

We used cards 1-16 in a SCOOT activity today, and my students loved it!  Over 90% of my students earned a 100!  Not only did they get to show how much they know, but they had a blast doing it. Anytime I can use an activity where they work in partners and have to move around, I'm in!

These sets are a lifesaver for me because I can focus on making sure I am teaching it correctly (since it's my first time ever!) without having to worry about making an engaging activity for my students. This is a huge relief!  Definitely a favorite!

3. My North Face Coat and Gloves

One thing about January.....IT'S COLD!  Yesterday, it was 57 degrees, and I walked my dogs after school.  Then that cold front came in!  Brrrrrrr!  

I have outside duty after school for about 15 - 20 minutes.  Today, the wind chill was in the 20s with a strong wind.  (Remember, I live in Texas.  I'm used to sweating because it's stifling hot!)  Thank goodness for my North Face coat and gloves.  They keep me toasty warm while I help the littles get in their cars.

What are your favorite things for these cold winter months at school?

Don't forget to check out the linky to see everyone's favs!


  1. Oh I love my North Face coat also!!! It's so warm and cozy!! I'm thankful for a warm classroom during the winter months! Stay warm!!


    1. This cold front is getting Texans busting out winter gear that we normally save for skiing! Haha! Have a great rest of the week!

  2. I hear you about word clip art. I look at flyers and notes teachers and admin send home and just think like a teen. I can't even deal. Everything is better with cute themed clip art!
    Sheri :)

    1. Exactly! I'm glad someone else is like that about school communications! Have a great week!

  3. Oh, I can't wait to link up! Thanks, Anna!
    It was 13 degrees here tonight! AHH! :)
    Mrs. Dailey's Classroom

    1. I don't know how you can deal with that cold! Brrr! Stay warm!

  4. Adorable clip art! Thanks for sharing! Gloves will definitely be needed tomorrow here in Kentucky... it is 10 degrees as I type with a wind chill below zero! Yikes! Stay warm!
    21st Century K

    1. Goodness gracious!!! That is way too cold to leave the house! Stay warm and toasty! Thank you for commenting!!!

  5. I love all things Teaching with a Mountain View. And of course all things North Face!!! I live in MN so a good winter coat is a must! We had -35 degrees F windchill yesterday. It was brutally cold!!

    Funky in Fourth
