Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Real Teachers of Blog County

Just the thought of this linky made me laugh, cringe, cry, and start blushing!  Haha!

We, as teachers, work so hard to make sure that our students don't realize we aren't as organized as we urge them to be.  At least I know that I do.  Not to say that I don't leave things out on my desk, or that I didn't get to school early to make sure my room was super clean before my observation today!

But behind all the awesome activities, stations, and task cards, I am hiding a secret from my kiddos. This:

Here you can see the labeled file folders that was my attempt at organization.  I can not guarantee that those labels actually describe what is in them!

One can't have too many baggies, right?!?!?!

They are all shoved in my filing cabinet.  Piled on top of each other.  I have no idea where anything is, just that they are somewhere in there.  *cringe*  Layers upon layers of baggies, laminated stations, and task cards on rings.

I admit it.  I need help.  My grand plan is to get tubs for each of our units.  Hopefully sometime in the near future.  Definitely before next school year.  I think.  :)

To see others secret stashes, head over to Second Grade is Out of This World!


  1. Don't beat yourself up, I have one of my file cabinet drawers that looks pretty I do have tubs for each month which I organized, but I have that one drawer left to do. It has been there since school started though. I'll get to it eventually.

    Luv My Kinders

  2. My "junk" drawer is in a filing cabinet as well. least it is hidden most of the time.
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

  3. I have some filing drawers that look a lot like yours! When we finish, in a baggie they go! Mine probably won't get organized until summer! MAYBE April vacation if I'm feeling very ambitious. Maybe!
    Laughter and Consistency

  4. Super cute link-up idea! Missed your post this week for Slim Down Saturday. How are things going?
