Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Scoop 11-23-14

It's the start of a new week, and this week I happen to have off from work! Wahoo!  Sunday also means that it is time to link up with Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop....

Our district gives us a full week for Thanksgiving Break, and here's the scoop on how I plan to spend it.....

I have, have, have to clean the pool and get the banana trees cut down in my backyard.  The weather is supposed to be in the 70's today, so my plan is to do it today before the bipolar Texas weather changes it's mind again!

When we get back from Thanksgiving, we will have 3 school weeks before our two-week Christmas vacation.  During that time, the students will be learning how to add and subtract fractions with unequal denominators.  I have some fun activitied planned in my head, so I have to get them made this week.  And, I am making Winter Stations to review all the material that we have covered this year.  Busy, busy, busy.

I really hope to clear out my DVR.  There are some shows that I have been saving for this Thanksgiving Break. (Hey, I don't have kids. What else am I supposed to do?) :)  I have a feeling that I can definitely accomplish this!

Christmas shopping stresses me out every year.  So far, I have my dad's present and my niece's presents done.  I still have to figure out what to get for my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and boyfriend. Eeeeekkkkkkk!

I can't wait to have a fun Thanksgiving with my family!  Enough said there!

Have a great week,

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